Switching Australia onto greener energy.
We developed a strategy to help Australians make the greener choice when it comes to power.
GreenPower is Australia’s only voluntary renewable energy accreditation program managed by the government. Unlike carbon offsets, GreenPower provides clean green energy straight from the source. However, with few Australians aware of the program and how to make the switch, GreenPower needed a strategy to drive awareness and action.
For consumers, trying to understand the difference between products can be complicated and confusing. Focus Creative was tasked to help GreenPower communicate their difference and provide them with a strategy that would reflect their purpose and their values. We identified two communication challenges:
Helping consumers understand the difference between carbon offsets and 100% renewable energy.
Uptake of product offering – helping consumers make the transition to GreenPower in the simplest possible way.
We created a comms strategy to cut through the noise and demystify the experience for consumers, supported with visuals and content for the new GreenPower website.