Rawson Homes

How we built a
better brand, together.


With Australia's new home-building market becoming even more competitive, Rawson Homes needed a way to stand out from the crowd.

With ever-escalating sale prices and the constant expansion of major cities around Australia, the new home-building market is becoming increasingly competitive. Rawson Homes wanted to distinguish itself from other home-builders operating in the same space.

As Rawson Homes brand agency partner, we were tasked with repositioning the company to build brand awareness and ultimately raise its market share.

Initial market research identified that most competitors only focused on the homes' final build, with positioning lines such as "realise your dream" and "it's where you want to live." However, consumer research proved that homebuyers were more concerned with trust, transparency, honesty and guidance through what can sometimes be an undoubtedly stressful process.


We developed a new positioning line that spoke to the customer's complete home-building journey – Build better, together.

Build better, together represents Rawson Homes brand promise to be there with the home buyer through the process. With consumers worried about not being supported, build better, together described the build journey; not just the result.

By positioning Rawson Homes as a partner through the build journey, we alleviated the concerns of customers becoming just another number. With a focus on trust, people and partnership, Rawson Homes was able to carve out a unique space in the home building market to tell their story and communicate their difference.

The campaign was launched with an awareness campaign showcasing the collaborative nature of the relationship and the positive outcomes achieved. The "Better" campaign featured a range of scenarios where the outcome became better due to the collaboration.

The campaign was launched across roadside billboards, radio ads, social posts, website refresh, printed collateral, digital display ads, television and online commercials, and more.

Over 1,000 spots ran in regional areas during the initial 4-week burst, reaching over 335,000 people aged 25-54. Digital roadside billboards placed in hyper-targeted areas drove awareness to relevant consumers in thriving locations across South Western and Western Sydney.



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