
Helping a healthcare pioneer attract the best talent.

We helped GenesisCare articulate their unique approach through a new Employee Value Proposition.

GenesisCare is the leading provider of integrated cancer care, operating in Australia, Spain and the UK. Facing challenges to fill roles across their regions, GenesisCare engaged Focus Creative to help develop a compelling employee value proposition to articulate its unique offering and approach to health care.

We hosted several stakeholder workshops and conducted over 65 interviews across their global markets – teasing out insights to shape our communications strategy.

Through our interviews and workshops, we identified a unique start-up mentality that permeates the organisation. This drive allows GenesisCare to push boundaries and be at the forefront of innovations shaping the industry. It also pushes people to go further and challenges them to be better.


Care to change the world.

Our Employee Value Proposition (EVP) was born from our insight that GenesisCare is not for everyone. If you're the kind of person who wants to push boundaries and shape an industry rather than just participate in it, then GenesisCare is for you. It's not a job; it's a place to go when you want to change the world.

Our line, Care to change the world, reflected two parts of their business – cutting-edge treatment innovations that are pushing the boundaries of healthcare solutions and the people that work there – passionate individuals brought together by a desire to provide care that really changes the world.

From our overarching EVP, we developed a compelling proposition, communication pillars and supporting evidence to back up claims. The EVP was tailored to the various markets and adapted to meet the specific needs of the multiple roles to be filled.

We created the core creative concept and activation program to bring life to the EVP. With its human-centred foundation and emphasis on care, the campaign messaging and creative was well received by stakeholders and is due to launch in 2023.



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