Communications plan for Battery Electric Vehicles

Demystifying Battery Electric Vehicles for consumers.


For consumers taking their first tentative steps towards buying a Battery Electric Vehicle, the right information at the right time is critical.

NSW is in the early stages of shifting toward Battery Electric Vehicles. As part of that transition, The Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) asked Focus Creative to pull together a communications strategy to address consumer information needs at each stage of the decision-making process.

The process began with an audit of other jurisdictions, including New Zealand, Norway, The United States and a selection of other countries leading the way on BEV uptake.

The information collected was analysed and mapped against the consumer's purchase pathway – from initial awareness through consideration to intent. At each stage, we looked at the barriers to uptake and the information needed to overcome them. Finally, we reviewed all the information on NSW government websites, both current and intended, and identified the gaps that needed filling.

The final communications strategy provided to the Department included an audit of best-in-class jurisdictions, detailing consumer uptake and key insights into the role governments were playing.

Defining a new content plan to drive Battery Electric Vehicle uptake.

Our final strategy included content recommendations (presented in a simple 'content on a page' plan) showcasing the flow of content and which department the content should sit within.

We created content cards that provided recommendations on how content could be improved – from graphic support, illustrations, infographics or rewriting content in a more straightforward form. These cards acted as mini design briefs for any departments developing future content.

Overall, the project helped the Department distil down a large volume of information into a structure that was easy to understand and build upon. Since then, we have worked with NSW Government on a diverse range of Electric Vehicle projects, deepening our knowledge and our opportunities to create lasting impact within NSW.



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